Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Finding Purpose

Wow! Has God ever been working on this ole heart of mine (shout out to Rod Stewart)!  
I decided to do a random flip open in my Bible this morning and what did I turn to?  A little study on purpose.  Man, God is so so good at timing, I'd even venture to say His timing is perfect ;)  I wish I didn't doubt it so much, dang.  But this isn't about timing, not today anyway.  I just have so much on my heart about purpose.  I think I'm so passionate about it because for so long I've had this internal struggle over whether or not I had a purpose, if I was actively seeking a purpose, or if I needed to stop searching so hard to find a purpose that was literally right under my nose.  

One thing I do know, is that I allow myself to be torn down way too quickly.  I will allow one small obstacle to completely take me off the track, as opposed to just saying "buck up buttercup, God's got this" and forwarding on.  I take that small incident and say "welp, clearly God does not want me to do that!  I must move on"  That may be the case sometimes, but sometimes God wants to see you handle that situation like the boss that you are (with his guidance, obvs).  The problem here for me though, is that I will feel a tug on my heart to do something but get completely beaten down.  Picking yourself back up the first time isn't so bad, but time after time (hey Cyndi), that's when it gets hard, like really hard, to the point where you question whether or not that tug was really from God.

This is the part where you have to be certain you are surrounding yourself with people who will support you and your purpose, people that will encourage you and lift you up when you begin to doubt but they will also tell you with loving honesty when things don't look right.  These people though, won't just tell you this on a whim, they will have prayed about it because that's just what they do for you.  These are your people, hold them near and hold them dear, you need them on this journey.  

Now it's time to talk about praying.  Pray about your purpose.  If you've had that tug, pray and ask God to make it clear.  If you don't really know what on earth your purpose might be, pray.  Pray that God makes that clear as well. Pray that you may be open to whatever it is, because it might not be anything at all like you envisioned.  Maybe you imagined something much bigger, with much more of a title or recognition.  Maybe you are freaking at the thought that it is something much bigger than anything you could ever handle and it will require a much larger leap of faith.  Just pray.  It doesn't matter.  God's purposes come in all shapes and sizes.  They also aren't necessarily lifelong purposes, your purpose now may not be your purpose in 10 years, shoot it may not be your purpose in 1 week, 1 month or 1 year.  Just because you found your calling for now, doesn't mean you can just sit back and move on through life with blinders on thinking that your purpose has been revealed and God won't change that.  Sometimes God says "move" and guess what?  You need to get up and move.

If you were to sit down and summarize your life, what would it say about you? What would it say about God?  What needs to change?  Has it been completely inward focused?  I have heard a thousand times women say "right now my purpose is just to be a stay at home mom"  Now, don't get me wrong, but I call B-to the-S on that one.  I've been there, I've done my long days as a stay at home mom.  I was raising little humans, keeping them safe (mostly) and alive, but that was not necessarily God's great purpose.  You do realize God can use you even while trapped (i somedays felt trapped, you may not) in the walls of your home for however many years.  Don't use this as an excuse.  Entrust yourself to God and He will do His work in you and through you.  Even in this time of messy buns, yoga pants and dirty diapers.  Maybe you have the gift of encouragement.  You don't need freshly washed hair, bangin skinny jeans and your fiber lashes freshly applied to send uplifting or encouraging messages to other women.  How simple is that?  Maybe its a little big bigger than that for you.  Maybe it is starting a bible study... whatever it is, no matter how big or how little, God qualifies the called and as long as your step forward in faith, He will be with you every step of the way.

The last point I want to make is that your hope in Jesus Christ is not found in doing great works for Him.  Your life and salvation is found IN HIM.  So, say you pray and still aren't finding that He is revealing a "purpose" for your life, just keep praying.  Know that your life is still purposeful by living an example.  By being a friend, a spouse, a mother, a coworker, heck, even a shopper at Walmart.  Sometimes people just need to see something different in you.  Show love, show grace, and forgiveness.  Be the change.  That is all part of a God given purpose!  

Go get 'em girl.  God's got you!


Prov. 19:21 Many are the plan in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails.

Rom. 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.