Monday, November 16, 2015


In the spirit of Thanksgiving next week and because things are seemingly returning to a more normal pace around here, I thought I'd share with you something I'm super thankful for....


A few weeks ago we managed to coordinate all of our schedules and meet up for some family photos.  The purpose of these was for my grandparents for Christmas and I'm so glad we were able to do them.  They turned out amazing and I know without a doubt that they will absolutely love them.
This one is the one they will absolutely love and proudly display but the next one is a little more realistic...

Any time we are all together its nothing but laughs and ridiculous witty humor and inappropriate talk and basically everything I could want from a family!!

But this is how it all began, with a brother and sister....



So that's my family. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Ball Family

Sometimes life hands you an incredibly good looking family and you must photograph them ;)
The Ball's are that family.  This session was basically the perfect Fall session.  The colors were perfect, the sun was perfect, the temperature, the family... you get the point.

This was literally one of the very first shots I took... when i got this result, I knew it would be a great session!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Finding Purpose

Wow! Has God ever been working on this ole heart of mine (shout out to Rod Stewart)!  
I decided to do a random flip open in my Bible this morning and what did I turn to?  A little study on purpose.  Man, God is so so good at timing, I'd even venture to say His timing is perfect ;)  I wish I didn't doubt it so much, dang.  But this isn't about timing, not today anyway.  I just have so much on my heart about purpose.  I think I'm so passionate about it because for so long I've had this internal struggle over whether or not I had a purpose, if I was actively seeking a purpose, or if I needed to stop searching so hard to find a purpose that was literally right under my nose.  

One thing I do know, is that I allow myself to be torn down way too quickly.  I will allow one small obstacle to completely take me off the track, as opposed to just saying "buck up buttercup, God's got this" and forwarding on.  I take that small incident and say "welp, clearly God does not want me to do that!  I must move on"  That may be the case sometimes, but sometimes God wants to see you handle that situation like the boss that you are (with his guidance, obvs).  The problem here for me though, is that I will feel a tug on my heart to do something but get completely beaten down.  Picking yourself back up the first time isn't so bad, but time after time (hey Cyndi), that's when it gets hard, like really hard, to the point where you question whether or not that tug was really from God.

This is the part where you have to be certain you are surrounding yourself with people who will support you and your purpose, people that will encourage you and lift you up when you begin to doubt but they will also tell you with loving honesty when things don't look right.  These people though, won't just tell you this on a whim, they will have prayed about it because that's just what they do for you.  These are your people, hold them near and hold them dear, you need them on this journey.  

Now it's time to talk about praying.  Pray about your purpose.  If you've had that tug, pray and ask God to make it clear.  If you don't really know what on earth your purpose might be, pray.  Pray that God makes that clear as well. Pray that you may be open to whatever it is, because it might not be anything at all like you envisioned.  Maybe you imagined something much bigger, with much more of a title or recognition.  Maybe you are freaking at the thought that it is something much bigger than anything you could ever handle and it will require a much larger leap of faith.  Just pray.  It doesn't matter.  God's purposes come in all shapes and sizes.  They also aren't necessarily lifelong purposes, your purpose now may not be your purpose in 10 years, shoot it may not be your purpose in 1 week, 1 month or 1 year.  Just because you found your calling for now, doesn't mean you can just sit back and move on through life with blinders on thinking that your purpose has been revealed and God won't change that.  Sometimes God says "move" and guess what?  You need to get up and move.

If you were to sit down and summarize your life, what would it say about you? What would it say about God?  What needs to change?  Has it been completely inward focused?  I have heard a thousand times women say "right now my purpose is just to be a stay at home mom"  Now, don't get me wrong, but I call B-to the-S on that one.  I've been there, I've done my long days as a stay at home mom.  I was raising little humans, keeping them safe (mostly) and alive, but that was not necessarily God's great purpose.  You do realize God can use you even while trapped (i somedays felt trapped, you may not) in the walls of your home for however many years.  Don't use this as an excuse.  Entrust yourself to God and He will do His work in you and through you.  Even in this time of messy buns, yoga pants and dirty diapers.  Maybe you have the gift of encouragement.  You don't need freshly washed hair, bangin skinny jeans and your fiber lashes freshly applied to send uplifting or encouraging messages to other women.  How simple is that?  Maybe its a little big bigger than that for you.  Maybe it is starting a bible study... whatever it is, no matter how big or how little, God qualifies the called and as long as your step forward in faith, He will be with you every step of the way.

The last point I want to make is that your hope in Jesus Christ is not found in doing great works for Him.  Your life and salvation is found IN HIM.  So, say you pray and still aren't finding that He is revealing a "purpose" for your life, just keep praying.  Know that your life is still purposeful by living an example.  By being a friend, a spouse, a mother, a coworker, heck, even a shopper at Walmart.  Sometimes people just need to see something different in you.  Show love, show grace, and forgiveness.  Be the change.  That is all part of a God given purpose!  

Go get 'em girl.  God's got you!


Prov. 19:21 Many are the plan in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails.

Rom. 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.  

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

What you may not know about me is....

I've been trying to come up with a good blog topic for a week now.  I've had a few good ideas but they usually come to me at about 12:13 am and by the morning i'm not feelin it anymore.  I'm looking forward to being able to blog my sessions coming up. I want to tell a story with my photos and then be able to share that story with you through the blog.  Busy season is right around the corner so there will be plenty of that coming up but in the meantime, why not get to know yours truly a little better.

What you may not know about me is (in no particular order)....

  • I drink coffee like it's water.  Like, to the point where 2:30pm comes and i'm drinking yet another cup of coffee and it actually makes me feel sick.  But I. just. can't. stop! I'm addicted, y'all.   Oh and hold the creamer, please.  Give me all the black coffees.
  • I sing all the wrong lyrics.  Once I have made up my mind what the lyrics are, that is what the lyrics will forever be.  Never mind how ridiculous they are.  Don't worry about it. 
  • About 75% of what comes out of my mouth is sarcasm.  I can't control it. Seriously!
  • I stick my cold feet in my husband's knee pits.  You know knee pits, right?  Yep, I have chronic cold feet and they just nestle themselves so nicely in there... mostly at night... in bed... while he's trying to sleep.   It's fine.  He loves me for it.
  • I despise talking on the phone.  I'll talk to you in person, I'll text you, I'll email you, I'll Facebook you, I'll instagram you, I'll mail you all the letters.  BUT i probably won't answer the phone when you call.   Write that down.
  • I love Jesus, but I cuss a little.  It's a t-shirt but it was made for me.  And if you really know me, this isn't a secret.  Sometimes there just isn't a better word to describe something.  
  • I don't understand how someone can love running.  Unless a bear is chasing you.... I don't think this needs any further explanation.  
  • There is a good chance you will be talking to me and I'll bust out in song.  It's kind of like tourette's.  Something you say will trigger a song lyric and it just comes out.  I know, i'm starting to sound like a train wreck....  "I came in like a wrecking ball..."   Told ya.
  • I don't like small talk.  I will gladly sit down and have an in depth conversation with you.   I love getting to know people.. absolutely love it.  BUT I find small talk to be awkward and it causes me much anxiety.  
  • Speaking of anxiety...  don't ask me to drive through a car wash.  EVER!!  I will have a mini panic attack trying to get on that conveyor belt.  It's just not worth it.   Hand me a hose, a bucket and a sponge.. much easier. 
  • I love boy bands.   Not to brag...  ok, i'm going to brag.  I met 'NSYNC.  By the way, it's 'NSYNC -- NOT, N'SYNC.  Get the freakin apostrophe right, people.  
  • I could live off of Peanut Butter.  "Peanuuut, Peanut Butter, and jelly..."  --The song thing again.  sorry.
  • I have a list making/calendar problem.  Let me explain.  I make a list of what lists I need to make.  If you look in my purse, you'll find at least 3 or 4 lists.  The countertop... lists.  The kitchen table... lists.   Also calendars.  This family runs on mama's calendars.  I have to write everything down on THREE different calendars.  Otherwise, it's not a real thing and it may not happen.  Oh and if it's not on my calendar and it happened, I must write it on my calendar when I get home. 
So now that you all officially feel better about yourselves (your welcome), I just have to clarify that this was all for fun.  Yes, I'm super flawed but these things do not define me.  I have three beautiful children, an amazing, smart, understanding, supportive, hot, Jesus lovin' husband and I am way more blessed than I deserve.  Thankfully I have family, friends and a Jesus that love me despite my quirks.  

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Meet the Crawford's.

Ladies and Gents, I'd like to take a moment and introduce to you a very good friend of mine.
I met Carrie about 5 years ago when I was selling Tastefully Simple.  Over the course of the past 5 years our friendship has grown so effortlessly, Carrie and her family have become such a huge part of my life.

Carrie Crawford is one of thee funniest, most caring, loyal, compassionate, creative and honest people I have ever met. This girl knows how to plan and throw a party like no other and she uses that gift so generously.  When we met, we both had 2 kids and I was pregnant with Cohen... a few short months later, she couldn't let me outdo her, so she got herself knocked up with sweet little Cashton.  ;)

Her friendship is so special to me, together we have laughed (A LOT), cried, dreamt, failed, succeeded.  Her friendship is truly priceless and for that I am ever so thankful.
It's nice having a friend that you can share so much with and know that there is never any judgement, only a listening ear and honesty when you need it.   It has been so much fun going through life with her and being so similar in so many ways...struggling with the same things,  having big dreams and aspirations and stay at home moms of THREE kids with basically the same age differences.  We truly understand each other.
But wait... I said we each had THREE kids, oops, what I meant was that I have three kids and Miss Carrie is about to have FOUR....

YAY!!!  That's right, the Crawford family is growing!!!!

True story... we told them #1, #2 & #3 stood for pee, poo and diarrhea.  So clearly that's what I referred to them as the rest of the session.   Hey, anything to get a boy to laugh in pictures ;)  "Come here, diarrhea!"
Coming this Fall 2015, there will be another baby.  I am so unbelievably happy, excited and scared (ha) for her.   We have had this conversation together so many times over the past couple of years.  The- "Should we?, shouldn't we?, when is the right time?, should i be content with what I have?"-  but in her heart, she knew there was room for one more little Crawford baby and God's timing is right now!

Now, I need you to all join me in praying that God will bless Ron, Carrie and those three sweet boys with a beautiful baby girl.  And if it's not God's will for there to be a beautiful baby girl Crawford, then start praying for Carrie and her sanity ;) 


I really do love this family and I'm so honored I got to be a part of the pregnancy announcement.  
We had so much fun... we always do when we're together. 

Now you all have to stay tuned for a gender reveal this summer!!!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Apples and oranges...

Whew! Today had me big time itching to get out and do an outdoor session.  I can't wait to get out of this winter rut and start feeling good again.  I hate being cooped up in the house and having no energy.  The sunshine and warmth gets me excited about life again, which in today's case had me reflecting and setting goals for my business.
   I know i'm starting to sound like a broken record but last year far exceeded my expectations and for that I'm so thankful to everyone that believed in me and supported me.  But now I sit here setting goals for the future and dreaming of where I'd like to be by the end of 2015.   However, I keep finding myself feeling stuck because there is a part of me, a small part, that still doubts myself and feels like I've completely gotten in over my head.  Then the other part of me has these super high goals and is running to the next challenge.  The point is that all of this has me thinking about what exactly it is that's holding me back.  The answer, very clearly, is ME!!!
   So how is it exactly that I am holding myself back?  The number ONE and biggest reason is due to comparison.  Over the course of past couple of years, I have followed about ten different photographers and their work very closely.  Not because I wanted to copy their art but because I wanted to find inspiration.  I researched everything I could find online as far as technique and did some mentoring online but most importantly I went out and I practiced.  I used my poor kids as models and failed... A LOT but throughout it all I was discovering who I was and what Lindsay Sage Photography was.  I started coming home from these sessions after developing a relationship with these families and I would literally find myself editing these photos with butterflies in my stomach and sometimes even tears in my eyes.  This is when I knew that I was on the right path.  More than that though, I wasn't "copying" anyone else, I was doing my own thing.  Of course I had learned what worked for others and incorporated that into my workflow but this was still mine.
   So what is the problem then, you ask?  Well, the problem is that here I sit still comparing myself and quite frankly it's getting me no where.  I think its wonderful and very beneficial to still be looking around and challenging yourself to be better but there has to be a line drawn.  The line that you have to draw yourself that says "this is me, this is what I do" and on the other side it says "that is them, that is what they do" but it is a fine line and every once in a while i find myself feeling inferior and comparing my work to theirs.  I also find myself feeling defeated because I don't have a studio or the space to do indoor sessions, so therefore I can't offer what they are able to offer.  That is how I stand in the way of myself.  I allow myself to get discouraged by what others are doing instead of just being 100% grateful for all that I have accomplished and have yet to do.  I can't forget that I am only a year into this and that I'm going to continue to learn and grow every day for many more years.  I just need to get out of the way.
   I very much believe in God's perfect timing and I know that his plan not just for me but for my business is way bigger and better than i could ever dream it to be.  The people he has placed in my life at just the right time, the means he has provided to financially take on this business and the work that he has been doing in my heart have all played into this.  I have developed such a passion for photography and working with families, especially children.. that is totally God working in me.  I know for a fact that God has big plans for me and how he is going to use this photography business, ultimately for HIS GLORY!!  I can't see the big picture right now but I can see now that by simply getting out of my own way, He is going to guide me and continue to bless me on this journey.
   It's never ok to compare your apples to someone else's oranges, it really never gets us anywhere in life.  It's so important to remember that God will give you exactly the resources that YOU need.  I may not have a studio that gives me the capabilities to expand my business right now but that doesn't mean He won't provide that for me in the future, if that is even His plan for me.  For now I need to use what He has blessed me with and continue moving forward, the rest will come.

Moral of the story... stop comparing yourself to others, be completely aware of the blessings you have and use those blessings to their full potential... all for a greater purpose!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Spring 2015 Sessions

It's that time!! I know it's hard to see past the mountains of snow in the yard and now we've added some freezing rain to the mix but I promise that Spring is right around the corner.  I have officially started booking April and May sessions.  I plan on scheduling up to 6 sessions each month through the summer so book early to guarantee your spot.  If you are interested in a Fall session this year, I'll begin booking those in July.

You can call/text 330-807-3301
Email  OR
message me on facebook--
I hope to hear from you soon.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Spring Fashion 2015

One of the things I look most forward to when the weather starts to get warmer is changing up the wardrobe.  I am sooo tired of wearing bulky layers and feeling like the marshmallow man walking out the door.  So as I sit here daydreaming of the day that all 150 feet of snow is melted, I thought i'd compile a little list of my spring time fav looks for 2015.

First of all I can't wait to be sporting' my Chuck's again.  Every girl should own herself at least one pair... i happen to have 6 pairs and i anticipate that number to grow.  You can never have too many colors of Chuck's.  
The best thing about them is that you can casual up a cute sweater and jeans.  I love my oversized sweaters, ripped jeans-rolled up and my chuck's together for a cute early spring go-to outfit.

Ok, now how about the boyfriend jeans?!!  I extra fluffy heart boyfriend jeans on those "feeling chubby" days.  They definitely have a little bit more forgiveness to them than the ole jeggings.  I'm so in love with this pairing too... you can't go wrong with the super cute oxford's.  But throw on some flats or your chuck's with these as well.  Easy-peasy!

I love me some fashion scarves and by all means they work great in the spring time too but i love replacing the bulkiness of them for the simplicity of layering necklaces.  They are so dainty but make a huge statement.  Nothin else to say 'bout that. 

Give me some black leggings, a long layering tank and a denim shirt and I'm one happy girl.  Again, the shoe option is limitless... flats, flops or chuck's.. take your pick!

MAXI SKIRTS!!  It's like dressed up leggings.  I actually really like them with a vintage style shirt and flip flops.  Obviously you can find them in any color or pattern these days but the plain black is just so simple and easy to pair with.  

And lastly the BELL'S!  I'm so glad they've made themselves a little comeback in these "boho" days we have going on.  I just got myself a pair at American Eagle and I am in love.  Dress them up with a cute lacy top and some heals or dress them down with a vintage tee and a plaid button up... oh and your Chuck's.  :) 

As a side note... all of these looks can be found super cheap.   And even better they are great on all body types!!!  

My baby is FOUR

Last week my littlest turned four.  I'm ok with it... mostly.  It's just weird when I think about the fact that my oldest was four when I had him.  It really does seem like forever ago.  Life has really flown by these past few years.  One of the biggest struggles for me is slowing down and living in the moment.  We, like many others, are so extremely busy with work, school, sports, church, etc and it doesn't leave a lot of down time.  We have definitely started cherishing our down time more.   
I made this collage of him over the past four years...  I could stare at this forever... he's so stinkin' cute!

So, due to busyness and weather we kept little mister's party sweet and simple.  We celebrated with immediate family and it was perfect.  He wasn't overwhelmed with gifts and there weren't a thousand kids running around.  We ate pizza, we opened presents, we had cake & ice-cream.  He was happy!

Here's a few pictures from his celebration...

So, now I must prepare myself over the next 11 months for the big FIVE birthday.  Five is a big deal and that also means next year at this time we'll be registering him for Kindergarten.  Oh boy!

Monday, February 9, 2015

A new year

Hey! Hey!! It's a new year, which means new things in store for Lindsay Sage Photography.  Of all the ideas I've wrestled around with, one thing that for sure keeps coming back at the top of the list is a new blog.  
The next question was what would the purpose and idea be behind this blog?  The obvious is to share and give a story behind all my sessions and that will certainly be the main goal.  However, I've decided to take it beyond that, I'm going to share my personal life, along with my other creative projects.  I'm so passionate about so many things, this will be an outlet for all of those.  My love for God, my family, photography,fashion, home decor... on this blog you will find all of that.  

Please be patient with me as I figure this all out and learn to most effectively incorporate everything.  

 2014 was an amazing year for me.  I learned so much and grew in so many ways, not just in my photography abilities but personally.  Finding a love and a passion for something and then being able to slowly turn that into a "job" is such an incredible feeling.  I could not be more thankful to everyone that has walked along side me on this new journey. I've laughed, I've cried and I've been straight up scared out of my mind but I've conquered more than I could even begin to imagine.  

I can't wait to see what all 2015 has in store for me.